1. Lost In Love (4.34)
  2. Losing Again (6.19)
  3. Voices (5.07)
  4. Innocence Lost (4.53)
  5. Tenderly (5.03)
  6. Fading Away (4.08)
  7. The Hunger (5.57)
  8. Waiting (4.12)
  9. Christmas Calling (4.04)
  10. Voices (extended version) (7.15)
  11. Innocence Lost (extended version) (7.53)
  12. Tenderly (extended version) 7.43

Lyrics (illustrated)
Lyrics (text only)


Download the full album (MP3) (free)
Bandcamp (Exclusive Edition) (free) (⇒)
Amazon (⇒)
iTunes (⇒)

Cover art (PDF)
Sheet music (PDF)

Released: July 2007;
Remaster: November 2012;
© 2007/2012, all rights reserved.


  1. Tenderly (2012 remix) (5.04)
  2. Out Of Bounds (5.00)
  3. Waiting (electronic) (4.06)
  4. The Hunger (extended version) (8.28)
  5. Lord Of Darkness (8.12)
  6. December Dreams (4.58)
  7. Christmas Calling (new vocals) (4.19)
  8. Fading Away (piano) (4.07)
  9. Voices (orchestral) (5.09)
  10. Losing Again (orchestral) (6.19)
  11. Fading Away (orchestral) (4.08)
  12. Tenderly (2012 extended remix) (8.44)

Download the full album (MP3) (free)
Bandcamp (Exclusive Edition) (free) (⇒)
Amazon (⇒)
iTunes (⇒)

Cover art (PDF)
Sheet music (PDF)

Released: February 2009;
Remaster: November 2012;
© 2007/2012, all rights reserved.

'Lost In Love' is my debut album from July 2007, featuring mainly up-tempo pop songs, some ballads, and three extended versions as bonus tracks. In November 2012, I released a remastered version, also containing two new remixes of the song 'Tenderly'. Apart from these remixes, I haven't made any new recordings, everything you hear was on the 2007 versions, only, radically improved. Revisiting these songs, five years after their original release, and comparing their sound to the music I was working on at the time, I realised several improvements could be made without altering the original atmosphere. Eventually I did quite a bit more than just remastering: I've retuned vocals and instruments, reduced reverb, improved dynamics, panning, EQ, and much more. The remasters sound much 'cleaner'. Also, sounds that had been mixed almost into oblivion on the originals have been restored - you'll notice instruments and vocals that were almost inaudible on the original album. The second volume contains all alternative versions from the single releases, including both new mixes of 'Tenderly', the single that was released to accompany the release of the remasters.

(Written in November 2012)