BALLADS 2007-2014

  1. Tonight (6.05)
  2. Estranged [Remix] (5.52)
  3. Eighteen Days [Remix] (5.39)
  4. The Phoenix (6.36)
  5. Azure Eyes [Remix] (5.42)
  6. Quest [Extended Piano] (7.42)
  7. The Void [Remix] (5.39)
  8. I Still Care (5.17)
  9. Losing Again [Remix] (4.51)
  10. Wail of the Banshee [Remix] (6.17)
  11. Fading Away [New Recording] (4.07)
  12. The Anguish [Remix] (4.40)
  13. No Remorse [Extended] (6.22)
  14. Astray (5.18)

Lyrics (illustrated)
Lyrics (text only)


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Cover art (PDF)
E-book (PDF)
Sheet music (PDF)

Released: January 2014;
© 2014, all rights reserved.

This album contains ten alternative versions of ballads from my previous albums as well as four new songs, including the single 'Tonight'. I wanted to revisit some of my best work, as well as include early compositions that didn't really fit in anywhere. I've made some changes to the tracks, some are subtle, some radically different. The 'new' songs were written between 1992-1998, but never released. The album was preceded by the single 'Tonight'. Although this song was written in the nineties, it was revised extensively in 2013, to fit in with this album. 'The Phoenix' is close to the original composition and was planned for 'Lost in Love' (but wasn't finished on time). 'I Still Care' was to be included on 'The Void', but didn't make it to the final selection, as it was too different from the other tracks. 'Astray' was originally based on a poem by Mark Geurts († 2011), but I've written new lyrics to this song.

(Written in January 2014)