This musical rendition of Emily Brontë's originally untitled poem was the first single release from the project 'Thy Delightful Shade'.
Feedback I've received: "This is beautiful, I loved it, the colours, the simplicity of the visuals, the lovely piano and the wonderful poetry make for a very hauntingly beautiful piece of work."
"This is truly beautiful. I am moved to, by your wonderful interpretation of Emily's poetry."
"This is a beautiful piece and I shall listen to it often."
"I just HAD to let you know that these songs are simply beautiful, haunting in fact. [...] More please of similar! I can imagine a piece of film working beautifully with those tracks."
"I just wanted to let you know, this music is just stunning!"
This musical rendition of Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem was the second release from this project.
The proceeds (up to 2023) of this single were donated to the Dutch Cancer Society, an organization aiming to cut cancer rates and get the disease under control, through research and prevention.
Feedback I've received: "There is precious little sweetness or beauty in my life, but I want to tell you that your voice, and of course Tennyson's words, brought tears to my eyes. My God, I feel like I have been caressed by angels. Keep up the good work. Such sensitivity is rare these days."
This musical rendition of Anne Finch's beautiful poem was the third release from this project. A nine minute ode to nature, accompanied by piano and orchestra - I think of it as a symphonic poem.
This musical rendition of Saint Sir Robert Southwell's poem was the fourth release from this project. When I read about the horrible execution of Sir Robert Southwell, and subsequently read his poetry, I immediately wanted to set one of his poems to music.
I decided on Times Go By Turns, because it's such a melancholic poem. The song is perhaps a bit long for a single (a little over 8 minutes).
Feedback I've received: "So beautiful"
"My favourite poem of all times! Love your setting."
This musical rendition of William Collins's poem was released as a final prelude to the album 'Thy Delightful Shade'.
This poem inspired me to make one of my best works ever. It was the fifth release from this project. The counter tenor solo at the end of the song is something special!
This EP features remastered versions of the four singles that were released in 2013-2014. These mixes were used for the videos that were released in 2017.